Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Collecting Comics the Nerd Alert Way

I am often asked by my legions of adoring fans what I read. What comic books are worthy enough for me to dole out my hard earned cash? Due to the fact that inquiring minds want to know, I thought that I would fill you in on how I collect.

First off I have a very small, ever-changing collection. I keep one half box of comics and 3 shelves of trade paperbacks. No more. If I start to run out of space I need to sell some of my collection. This allows me to keep my collection fresh and interesting. There are some items that I always keep and read at least once a year (Sandman, Swamp Thing, Transmetropolitan), but mostly I cycle through everything I buy.

The comic books themselves are divided into two categories: new books (current titles) and older books (back issue bin gold). For the new books my current list is this: Amazing Spider-Man, Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8, JSA, Thor, Secret Invasion, and Final Crisis. I am thinking of dropping JSA after this current storyline is over. I will end up replacing it with something else (maybe a Superman title).

For the older titles I am always looking for runs of stuff that I cannot easily get in trade paperback format. Currently I am collecting Ghost Rider (1973 series), Marvel Team-up (1st series), and the Acts of Vengeance. I am almost finished the Ghost Rider run (one issue to go), and I only need a handful of the Acts of Vengeance issues. Once these two are complete I will concentrate a bit more seriously on the MTU run as I currently have about 12 of the 150 issues. I also have been toying around the idea of completing a Groo run.

You may have noticed that the older titles I collect are not marquee, flagship titles. I always like to be looking for a run where I can pick up the books for $1 or $2. I get to continually quest for some great stuff and it doesn't break the bank. I would encourage all of you to set yourself a collecting goal based on your local comic shop's bargain basement.

Well that is about it. I hope that this has proved illuminating to all of you.

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