Thursday, January 28, 2010


I just finished inFAMOUS and I am impressed. The game features the best twist ending of any video game ever. A bold statement, but there it is.
Beyond the excellent story there is a lot for a gamer to like with this title. Side missions, item hunting,  and great trophies will send you back for multiple playthroughs, but I must admit that I am not a fan of the control scheme. It is tight, but I don't like how the jump controls are so touchy. I was also a bit disappointed at finding some glitches in the game. Sandbox style games still have a lot of glitches in them, but I was unpressed at getting frozen in a wall or stuck in a fence.
All of these quibbles aside this really is a must play title for any comic book fan (I have heard that a few gamers out there also read comic books). If you enjoy open area action games with solid storytelling you will get your money's worth from this title.

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